
All items come from old collections

Africa & Asia

Zamble mask / Ivory coast/ Guro wood, pigments / 40 cm / Ex. Anita and Jan lundberg, Malmö Sweden 1982 / 1985-2018 private collection, Sweden / Exhibited 1986, Afrikanskt, Malmö konsthall, Sweden / Reproduced 1986 catalogue Afrikanskt, page 52, nr 56.
Antropomorhic clay vessel Mbirhlen’da / Nigeria Eastern Gongola Valley Ga’anda people / Terra cotta / h. 60 cm / ex. Lucien van de Velde Antwerpen / ex Marcel Nies Antwerpen until 2006 / Dutch private collection until 2024.

Nigeria Yoruba / Ceremonial Staff/ bronze brass 40 cm / ex col Lens
Elephant mask, Ogbodo enyi/ Nigeria, Igbo, Izi / wood pigments 55 cm / ex gallery Dupperier Paris / Jan and Anita Lundberg SE / Bass collection SE / exhibited and repoduces in ‘fore picasso, Liljewalchs Konsthall, Stockholm

Guardian figure A-Tshol / Guinea/ Baga / wood 50-65 cm / ex Dannenberg NY / ex Claes gallery Brussels / Ex Lundberg Malmo / Zemanek Münster
Lobi / Staf / wood 51 cm / ex collection John Teney

Mask Cameroon / wood, 40 cm / ex Mr. Garcia Paris1984 / Jan and Anita Lundberg Malmo Sweden 1984 / Bass Coll Sweden 1985 / Svenson collection 2005 / exhibited and published in Afrikanskt 1986 / Kristianstad museum 1991
Mali, Dogon / Door / wood 137 – 63 cm / ex galerie de Ruimte before 1993 / ex private Belgium collection

Kanaga mask / Mali, Dogon / wood fibers 96 cm / ex mr Teunisse / Christies A’dam 1986 / ex private Dutch collection
D.R Congo, Pende / Ceremonial Staff / wood 103 cm / ex Coll. M Requier / published in L’art Pende L. de Sousberghe 1959

Nigeria, Eket / wood encrusted dark patina 49 cm / ex col. Nico Vrielink
Makonde body mask / wood, wax 41-20 cm / ex Bryan Reeves / ex private dutch collection

Ivory coast / Guro / female standing figure / wood 34 cm / ex Dos en Bertie Winkel / ex Dutch private collection
Ghana, Akan / Seat with bird scene / wood 48 x 23 x 30 cm / exhibited and published in 1994 in the Africa museum ‘a child from two worlds’

Indonesia / Dayak people
Ironwood / 117 cm
ex collection Ten Houten
exhibited in Gerardus van der Leeuw museum Groningen 1972
Indonesia / Sumatra / Batak / Architectural ornament / wood / 216 cm
ex collection Jean Nies

Indonesia / Dayak people
Ironwood / 68 cm
ex collection Ten Houten
exhibited in Gerardus van der Leeuw museum Groningen 1972
Indonesia / Dayak people
Ironwood / 150 cm
ex collection Ten Houten
exhibited in Gerardus van der Leeuw museum Groningen 1972

Indonesia / Dayak people
Ironwood / 143 cm
ex collection Ten Houten
exhibited in Gerardus van der Leeuw museum Groningen 1972
Male figure / D.R. Congo / Bembe / wood / 16.5 cm / ex Allan Stone / NY / ex Cole Harrel NY

Kawelulu figure / DRC / Luba / calabash, cour / wood / 27.5 cm / ex Philippe Raton exhibited and published in ‘Serie Noire.’
Bwanga Bwa Cibola / fertility cult / D.R. Congo / South Easthern Congo / Sapo Sapo / 13 cm / ex collection Lens

Ibeji / twin figure / wood / pigments / shells beads / 30 cm / ex Dutch collection
Africa / D.R. Congo / Tabwa / buffalo mask
wood / cowrie shells / 22x73x33 cm
ex Monbrison Gallery Paris / ex collection Co Hultén SE

Africa / Mali / Dogon / Toguna
wood / 210 cm
ex collection G.W. Sannes
published in ‘Afrikaanse Primitieven’ 1978
Africa / Nigeria
metalwork from Asiru Olatunde [1918-1993]
aluminium 50-90 cm
Yoruba fragment

Africa / Burkina Faso / Bobo / mask
wood pigments / 133 cm
ex collection Leopold Hafliger Suisse
ex private Belgium collection
Indonesia / Dayak people
Ironwood / 177 cm
ex collection Ten Houten
exhibited in Gerardus van der Leeuw museum Groningen 1972

Salon – Prins Hendrikstraat 43 – 5611 HJ Eindhoven – The Netherlands – Tel:0031(0)612033634 – – instagram